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Wednesday 9. 08. 2017
Name day Ľubomíra


Zemianska dedina - Yeomen´s village

ZD   The establishment of Zemianska Dedina is inseparably linked with the older history of Tvrdošín. Ľudovít the first published a document on 12th of November of 1355 and according to this he gave to the property a part of the area of Zemianska Dedina to Dominik and to Dionýz from the village of Revišné. They obtained lands close to the rivers of “Hodočín” and “Javorovô”. They also became members of the society and also of the group of royal yeomen with military obligation.

The village of NOBILIUM

The real founder of settlement "The village of Nobilium" and also a founder of the Dedinský family was the brother of Dionýz: Peter. ZD1 In 1355 king Ľudovít the first gave to Blažej (a son of Mikuláš) some parts of the surrounding forest and the land between the streams called “Hodočín” and “Javorovô”. Gradually new members of the yeoman family from the village of Revišné settled here, concretely Ján, a founder of Čutka family. In 1391 he sold his share to his cousins: Dionýz and Mikuláš. All the family members had a common surname: "de Hotochýn". Mikuláš was in 1422 named as "Nicolôaus de Hodosin". His son became at the end of the forties of 15th century a forefather of new branches of this family popular with the names: Žuffa, Burian, Kupčo etc. In 1550 Juraj Dedinský was the exclusive owner of this area. He played an important role in local government, In 1557 he was named as “Georgius Dedinský de Dedina, a judge of an local government“ in the document of Fraňo Thurzo – an owner of Orava region.

  The boarders of this area were determined in 1612. In the description of the borders the following local titles were written: “Hodočín” stream, deracinated soil called “nad Uplazem”, “Kliník” stream, “Javorový” ditch, “Javorov” ditch, a valley “Javorník”, a meadow “Javorové”. The families of Revický, Dedinský, Žuffa, Kupčo, Kanderka, Burian, Čutka and Matejec used together the villages of Revišné and Zemianska Dedina till 1631. During following years the families separated and in Zemianska Dedina stayed only Dedinský, Kupčo, Kanderka and Burian families. In 1778 52 inhabitants lived in Zemianska Dedina divided into 28 yeoman's families and 4 free families. Number of inhabitants: in 1785 - 211 inhabitants; in 1825 - 254; in 1869 - 221; 1870 - 218; 1890 - 240; 1900 -190; 1910-182; 1930 - 142; 1940 -139. In the middle of the last century a new terms and names were published in cadaster of the village: “Hrebeň, Háj, Podjavor, Férová, Čerhelka, Hodočín (also Hldočín), Nadkút, Čertaš, Klin, Ploty, Laz, Rakytia, Bučiny, Smrečiny, Brehy, Tlstem”. In 1930 there were 35 houses and in 1940 39 houses in Zemianska Dedina.


ZD2  A desire for a new church mainly appeared after 1968 when some kind of relief arised in the society. The old yeoman's church is 303 years old according to the schematism published by diocese of the region of Spiš in 1992. An idea and a desire for having a new church became much more urgent also because of rising number of believers. The first courage reactions were more pessimistic than optimistic. But the desire didn't disappear. And so the inhabitants of Zemianska Dedina decided to do something. In June 1995 a pope during his visit of the town of Levoča sanctified among others also a foundation stone of a new church. In 1999 a wood was cutting and preparing. After five years when an idea of a new church appeared, the construction started on 10th of September 2000 - in this day Mr. Ján Farkašovský a local priest gave blessing to the construction. The construction started according to the project, which was made by Ing. Architect Jozef Hýravý. Ing. Jaroslav Raška began to lead a construction then Ján Bolibruch replaced him. In 2000 a foundations were concreted. During 2001 the construction intensively proceeded. At the start of 2001 the walls were built and at the end of the year the roof was finished. In 2002 the works in interior began which continued during all the summer and in autumn the works were finished.

  A tak po piatich rokoch, kedy po prvýkrát bola vyslovená myšlienka výstavby nového kostola, sa 10.9.2000 slávnostným požehnaním miesta stavby, ktoré udelil vdp. Ján Farkašovský, začala výstavba. Podľa projektu stavby, ktorý vypracoval Ing. Arch. Jozef Hýravý, sa začali práce. Stavbu začal viesť Ing. Jaroslav Raška, potom Ján Bolibruch. V roku 2000 boli vybetonované základy. V priebehu celého roka 2001 sa na stavbe intenzívne pracovalo. Na začiatku tohto roka sa montovala väzba, murovali steny a na konci roka už bola stavba zastrešená a zasklenená. V roku 2002 sa začali práce v interiéri, ktoré pokračovali celé leto a na jeseň kamenári zaodeli chrám do pevnej skaly.

ZD3   Almost all the year 2003 the final works were running. On 11th of November of 2003 an approbation of the church came into being. Saturday 22nd of November of 2003 became a long expecting day of the consecration of a new House of God. During this day after 3 years and 2 months an auxiliary bishop Mons. Andrej Jamrich from diocese of the region of Spiš consecrated a new church. The church has been consecrated to St. Joachim and to St. Ann. The idea many generations of believers from Zemianska Dedina were thinking about came true. Many priests, former priests, also relatives and parishioners from Nižná attended the celebration. For the Nižná's priest it was a lovely present for his fiftieth birthday. Also citizens of Zemianska Dedina have been very proud of their new church. The financial resources were being obtained from regular financial collections in the village, from the budget of Nižná, but also as donations from the many believers from the other parishes.
foto: Ivan Opát


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